b12 booster injections

B12 boosts your health and prevents anemia. Energy levels will be raised due to the greater production of red blood cells. Many people find that these injections also help with combating anxiety, low mood, fatigue and ‘brain fog’.



Fat dissolving is a safe, effective treatment that reduces fat cells in the treated area. This is a permanent, targeted fat loss in areas which have been resistant to conventional weight loss approaches. With a healthy lifestyle, these pockets of fat will not return once treated.


biotin (b7) injection

B7 injections support healthy cell growth, promoting glowing skin - with anti-ageing benefits. Improves acne, eczema and skin conditions. Also improves the lustre and thickness of hair and nails.


More Treatments

  • Aesthetic

    Non-surgical treatments designed to rejuvenate and refresh your skin.

  • Holistic

    Holistic treatments consider all aspects of your wellbeing as a whole.

  • Skincare

    Treatments for skin innovation and rejuvenation.